Marijuana Awareness and Prevention Materials
When it comes to learning more about marijuana and prevention resources, it can be helpful to have somewhere to start. Materials can give you access to important information that can help you jumpstart the conversation with yourself or with a teen on healthier ways of living. These resources provide extra learning and support with examples and stories from others who have been through similar experiences. Take your time and take control of your decisions and conversations!
Interviewee, Age 37
“No one at home talked about marijuana or its harm. I started smoking at 13.”
Interviewee, Age 52
“Marijuana killed my son.”
What every parent must know
What every parent must know
The parent guide is a marijuana prevention guide for parents that provides an overview of what marijuana is, as well as research facts and statistics as evidence. It gives advice on how to talk to your youth about marijuana usage, since that can be a troubling topic for parents to bring up. Not only is there a Q&A section that lists common questions and answers, but there is also a section with contact information for further support. The parent guide was created as a way for parents to have easy access to information on marijuana and learn how to have a comfortable conversation with their youth about the negative effects. Students decided to make this to assist parents in their community be able to have the knowledge to help and educate their youth, which can minimize the effect of peer pressure.
This is a pamphlet informing youth about the negative effects of using marijuana before their brains are fully developed. This guide is made for teenagers by their peers.
“Don’t be lame, save your brain.”
The Teen guide demonstrates the ways marijuana affects the brain. It states how Marijuana usage can lead to a variety of effects which interrupt motor skills, memory, concentration and more in the Brain. The teen guide allows for teens to develop a better understanding on the harms of marijuana and it allows them to gain knowledge in a more accessible manner. This was created by students to allow for a better understanding on the harms of marijuana and ways to prevent usage, it allows for students to be able to use their knowledge and experience to help teens in their communities not feel alone.